The Word of God is alive.

His light is starting to pierce the darkest places in faraway lands.

We stand together with brothers and sisters from churches worldwide who come from lands far apart from each other. 

We are united in our desire to bring the love of God and His Word to every people, in the heart languages of every nation.

“The church is growing...”

Pahasu* - is a language spoken by a million people in the snowy province of a South Asian Country. They have over 30,000 followers of Christ in the last 2 decades. Yet, the lack of God’s word in their heart language was hindering the strengthening of the church. Today, through the Church Centric Bible Translation Movement, they have translated full New Testament, Pentateuch & Poetical books into their heart language. The Church is growing both in quantity and quality.

“We won't be happy until we see the entire Bible in our heart language.”

Seba Language Team, DR Congo*

“I have been a Christian all my life, I got baptized in the church, I go to church every Sunday, ….but it was only now I understood what Gospel of Luke actually meant” 

Seba Language Team, DR Congo*

“Jesus is no longer a foreign god”

Up until 2017, Pastor Chinu and the other pastors were preaching in Boya. Chinu has four generations of believers without scriptures. There are about 350,000 people who speak Goja* language. On the day of the dedication of the draft version of the Goja* New Testament, in Oct 2017, Chinu said “Earlier, it felt like a foreign god was being preached, but when I started preaching in Goja* language, people paid more attention to the sermons and participate more actively in worship. They said “Jesus is no longer a foreign god.”

“We will go back, finish the Community Checking and share Christ through the Book of Luke to many people in my community, including the the people who are killing many of our innocent people.”

Language Team - Restricted country in Southeast Asia*

Workshop Impact

"Many participants shared that they were wonderfully surprised as they didn’t expect the workshop would have unfolded biblical truths in such a way even to the less educated participants.

Since then I have been receiving many calls from participants just saying “ thank you” for the program. I also received personal testimonies from some university teachers saying they have attended several workshops but that none of them matched this one which not only taught them a new method of bible translation but also allowed them to look at the scripture differently from now on and put them in a position to question themselves in their personal relationships with God and others."

Church Leader, CEPAC - Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

"To see a full Bible in Jalgore dialect of Fulani language released, has been a vision of the church network in Burkina Faso. CCBT methodology has enabled us to move forward to make this happen. The bigger vision is to reach the Fulani language groups in 21 countries.."

Church Leader - Fulnet, Burkina Faso

“We thank you for your generosity in coming to us and being willing to share with us the method of doing Bible Translation through Oral Bible Translation so that we can reach many of the people who are oral learners in our community.”

Translator - Bangladesh